Le Rêve de la Baleine

📍 23 Avenue Du Lac Marion, 64200 Biarritz, France

Le Rêve de la Baleine logo

Faire dialoguer le corps en liberté, le bonheur de jouer et la possibilité de comprendre ce qui nous anime en profondeur.

We hope from the bottom of our hearts that this year, still rich in all possibilities, will be conducive to moments of reunion with yourselves and your humanity. As for us, once again freshly spat from the bowels of the whale, we approach the shores of this year with the joy of discovering with you how this blank page will be filled with moments of playing, learning, knowing how to do, knowing how to be and knowing how to live. This year will be under the lucky star of the humanities. Humanities as knowledge that forges links between our different realities - body, soul and spirit - and as an approach to others, with all that this entails in terms of understanding differences and humility in the face of complexity. A radiant 2024 for all living beings on this planet.

A dialogue between the body in freedom, the joy of play and the possibility of understanding what drives us deep down.

Events at Le Rêve de la Baleine: